The OS on icub-head - Installation from scratch
Since iCubOS is based on the Ubuntu server, we will install the latter from the default installer and then manually customize it.
Latest versions
The latest version is based on Ubuntu Server 20.04.1
Create the USB installer
The first step is to download the official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server install media from the release page. Search for ubuntu-20.04.x-live-server-amd64.iso
Then, please create the USB installer using a USB memory and a tool like Balena Etcher.
Find further information about creating a bootable USB stick on Windows, Ubuntu or macOS.
Install Ubuntu
Follow the below steps to install the Ubuntu server on icub-head.
Please, note that the installation procedure can be slightly different in each release, you can see the Ubuntu server official install guide
The installation procedure will overwrite the disk of your icub-head, so all data will be deleted.
Ubuntu Installer configuration
Install the system by choosing the default options, except for the following steps:
Keyboard and language
- Layout :
- Variant :
Storage configuration
- Disable the following option :
Setup this disk as an LVM group
- Your name :
- Your Server's name :
- Pick a username :
- Choose a password :
- Enable the following option :
Install SSH server
Required Packages
Install the following packages
nfs-common python-tk libopencv-dev ntpdate vim ssh cmake-curses-gui iperf libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdb meld bmon libi2c-dev expect libgfortran10-dev qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel qml-module-qt-labs-settings
Low Latency kernel
Install the following packages
linux-image-lowlatency linux-headers-lowlatency
Disable X server at startup
The x server is started automatically at startup by GDM, so please disable GDM
sudo systemctl disable gdm
Configuration steps
SSH configuration
- Configure passwordless ssh: see this link
- Disable reverse DNS lookup in SSH server: add the following line to the file
UseDNS no
Network performances tweaks
Install the following packages
sudo apt install linux-image-lowlatency linux-headers-lowlatency
Modify the real-time priority of the process, add the file
as followsicub soft rtprio 99 icub hard rtprio 99
Set the max OS receive-buffer size for all types of connections, by adding the file
as follows# This sets the max OS receive-buffer size for all types of connections net.core.rmem_max=8388608
Edit the file /etc/default/ntpdate
by changing the following lines
IMU Bosch
To use the IMU Bosch BNO055 through the i2c bus these additional steps are required:
Install libraries for i2c:
sudo apt install libi2c-dev i2c-tools
Unzip kempld-drivers.30.tar.gz
Compile the custom kernel modules:
{ver} is the Linux version (see uname -r). Ignore ssl errors during kempld-drivers.30/kempld-modules-{ver} make sudo make install
Load the required kernel module(the best should be add them at the startup):
sudo insmod kempld-core.ko sudo insmod i2c-kempld.ko
Finally add
user toi2c
group:usermod -a -G i2c icub
Test the configuration of i2c and BNO055
To test the installation with the python script BNO055:
Note that to make it work you might change the script at line 195:
# Open I2C bus
self._bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
specifying the right number: instead of 1, specify the correct number that can be found through:
i2cdetect -l
Fixed USB resource names
In order to get a fixed device name for some USB resources such as IMU and USB2SERIAL, you have to create the following UDEV rules
IMU BOSCH: add the file
as follows# iCub Bosch i2c IMU SUBSYSTEM=="i2c-dev", ATTRS{name}=="i2c-kempld", SYMLINK+="bosch-i2c-imu", MODE="0660", GROUP="i2c"
USB to Serial interface: add the file
as follows# tty Xsens SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2639", SYMLINK+="ttyXsens", MODE="0660", GROUP="tty"
Further installation steps and configuration
Mount via SSH
On the icub-head, graphics-based tools have not been installed (except the ones required for firmware interfaces) and it is better not to install them. Anyway, using graphic tools (like editors, file managers, etc..) is very useful and sometimes essential. Instead of running remotely a tool and displaying it locally (like we did in old PC104), we can mount locally the icub-head filesystem via SSH and run locally all the tools we need. In order to mount locally the icub-head filesystem on your client:
- install the sshfs package
sudo apt-get install sshfs
- create a mount point for the remote filesystem (eg.)
mkdir /home/icub/icub-head_fs
- mount the remote
via SSHsudo sshfs -o allow_other icub@ /home/icub/icub-head_fs
If you already set the passwordless SSH login, you can skip the password:
sudo sshfs -o allow_other,IdentityFile=/home/icub/.ssh/id_rsa icub@ /home/icub/icub-head_fs
Customize the system
What now you need to do is to customize the installation with your hardware and environment (see the "Required configuration" paragraph in Networking, Bluetooth, User Environment chapters as well as Further Tasks chapter )