The CUDA workstation
This page contains guidelines to install the iCub nVidia CUDA Workstation.
We assume you have installed a working Debian or Ubuntu on the laptop. You can freely decide to install 32 bit or 64 bit, the code compiles on both architectures.
Be aware that if you plan to share the repository with other machines, all machines need to have the same architecture (32 versus 64 bits, same versions of the libraries). A possibility would be to share the same code directory and different builds.
Prerequisite : basic system setup for a iCub machine
Please follow the instructions on page Generic iCub machine installation instructions, in order to prepare a generic machine for the iCub network. Then, follow the steps below to customize it as the iCub Laptop
In the following instructions, we assume that the installed OS is a Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy. If you are using a different distribution os release, please modify the instructions accordingly.
Installation steps
Install CUDA toolkit
From Distribution repository (Debian / Ubuntu, quite old versions)
- DEBIAN : from Debian non-free repository, install the following packages
nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-dev
- UBUNTU : from multiverse repository, install the following packages
nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-dev
From the nVidia Developer website (Ubuntu, always the latest version)
Install the package for your distribution and architecture from