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Installation on icub-head installing manually each package

The icub-head (also known as pc104 on older iCubs) is a Linux system, so the installation procedure follows the one described in the installation for Linux systems.

Prepare your system

This page only covers the software installation on the icub-head. To prepare the operating system for the icub-head system, please refer to Section on iCub Operating Systems.

Getting YARP, iCub sources, and Robots configurations

Depending on your configuration, you may already have the required source code git repositories cloned in these directories:


If for some reason you do not have these directories you have to download the repositories from git:

cd /usr/local/src/robot
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Importantly, the software release of each of the above repositories shall match the YARP dependencies as per the Software Versioning Table.

Do not change the location of the repositories because the icub environment on the icub-head is already configured by assuming the above directories.

Compile YCM

mkdir -p $YCM_DIR

Do not run make install, the current instructions assume that the binaries are not installed in system directories.

Compile YARP

Create the $YARP_DIR directory:

mkdir $YARP_DIR

Clean the cache and generate makefiles:

rm CMakeCache.txt

Do not forget to enable optimization, this will improve performance a lot. In CMake for both YARP and icub-main set:


Configure (hit c):

Now enable:


Configure and generate makefiles.

Compile YARP:


Do not run make install, the current instructions assume that the binaries are not installed in system directories.

To verify the procedure type:

yarpdev --list

among the others the list should contains also the new devices:

Device "serial", C++ class ServerInertial, is a network wrapper,
Device "serialport", C++ class SerialDeviceDriver, wrapped by "serial"
Device "portaudio", C++ class ...

Compile icub-firmware-shared

Create $icub_firmware_shared_DIR if it does not exist:

mkdir $icub_firmware_shared_DIR

Clean cache and generate makefiles:

cd $icub_firmware_shared_DIR
rm CMakeCache.txt
ccmake $icub_firmware_shared_SOURCE_DIR

Hit c to configure.

Hit g to generate.



Compile iCub

Create $ICUB_DIR if it does not exist:

mkdir $ICUB_DIR

Clean cache and generate makefiles:

rm CMakeCache.txt
ccmake $ICUB_SOURCE_DIR --preset robot

The following options are as usual:


Hit c to configure. A long list of devices (in the form of ENABLE_icubmod_*) will appear. Aside from those already enabled, you have to switch on also the following:

All iCub versions:


Versions equal to iCub 1.1.1:


Older versions (iCub 1.0 and 1.1.0):

ENABLE_icubmod_pcan (iCub 1.0 and 1.1.0)
ENABLE_icubmod_ecan (iCub 1.1.0)

CMake will generate make files. Possible errors:

  • pcan/ecan fails to detect API(s): check that you have unpacked plxCanApi/esdCanApi in /usr/local/src/robot/drivers. cmake uses the environment variables PLXCANAPI_DIR/ESDCANAPI_DIR to locate these libraries. If you the pc104 has a Debian Live image >= 1.4 these should be already set, otherwise you have to do it manually.



DO NOT run make install, the current instructions assume that the binaries are not installed in system directories.

To verify the procedure type:

yarpdev --list

among the others, the list should contain also the selected devices like:

Device "dragonfly2", C++ class DragonflyDeviceDriver2, wrapped by "grabber"
Device "pcan", C++ class PlxCan, has no network wrapper

Configuring your Robot

First off, prepare the contributing helpers:

cd $ROBOT_CODE/icub-contrib-common
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ../

Make sure that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX points to $ICUBContrib_DIR and finally do:

make install

Further documentation is available in icub-contrib-common documentation.

Then, proceed to install your robot configuration files:

cd $ROBOT_CODE/robots-configuration
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ../
make install

In case you want to tune/modify any robot parameters, remember to create first your local copies:

yarp-config robot --import $YARP_ROBOT_NAME

Now you should have editable copies in


Further documentation is available in robots-configuration repository.