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Using iCub with ROS

This page centralises different resources showing how to control iCub using ROS.


At the moment we support ROS 1 only.

Required setup

Make sure that you read YARP's documentation about ROS. More specifically, you need to configure YARP to interact with ROS.

Using ROS TF to manage the coordinate transforms

What is ROS TF?

ROS TF2 is a package used to keep track of the different sets of coordinates in a robot, and easily switch between them. It can for instance be used to transform the coordinates of an object in iCub's depth image to coordinates that can be used by the cartesianInterface.

To keep track of the various sets of coordinates, ROS TF requires 2 things: - a URDF file that describes the physical properties and the structure of all the pieces ("links") that make up the robot. This can be found in the icub-model repository - something to periodically publish the state of all the joints (in iCub's case, that means the angles that all the motors are currently at). This is provided by the controlboardwrapper2 or controlBoard_nws_ros modules.

Publishing iCub's joints state: the controlboardwrapper2 and controlBoard_nws_ros modules

Modules description

The piece of software that can be used to publish the joint position information exposed by a YARP device for YARP <= 3.4 (so for any robotology distro <= 2021.08) is the controlboardwrapper2 (see this page). This is exactly the same device used to publish joint information on YARP ports, but that can be configured also to publish on ROS topics via the ROS group.

However, notice that controlboardwrapper2 device is deprecated in the new YARP 3.5 relese (that will be use in robotology distros from >= 2021.11), and its functionality is going to be replaced by middleware-specific devices. In particular controlBoard_nws_yarp for YARP, controlBoard_nws_ros for ROS(1) and controlBoard_nws_ros2 for ROS2 (still unreleased work in progress). See this page and this issue for architecture details on the changes in YARP 3.5 .

Using controlboardwrapper2

The module can be activated using an xml file such as icub_ros_wrapper.xml. In general all the xml configuration files related to YARP devices are only meant to be used by applications that use the libYARP_robotinterface YARP library, i.e. either the yarprobotinteface tool (unfortunaly docs are missing for this tool, see this issue) or the gazebo_yarp_robotinterface Gazebo plugin.

More in particular, the icub_ros_wrapper.xml file is meant to be used as part of the same yarprobotinterface with which you launch the robot. To include it among the devices that you launch with it, you should modify the icub_all.xml (or any file that is launched with your yarprobotinterface when you launch the iCub) to include the line:

<xi:include href="wrappers/motorControl/icub_ros_wrapper.xml" />
see for example this file.

If this does not work, there may be two main pitfalls to be aware of:

To make sure that the controlboardwrapper2 is able to publish correctly on ROS, you need to make the yarpserver aware of the ROS name server, as described in the Required setup section. This can be done in several ways, but the most common way is to launch yarpserver with the --ros option (after making sure that ROS_MASTER_URI is set on the machine in which you launch yarpserver --ros).

The joint values are read directly via C++ YARP devices interfaces from the controlboard YARP devices, and which devices are connected to the controlboardwrapper2 devices are specified in the child elements of the <action phase="startup" level="5" type="attach"> tag (see this line). In particular, the value of each elem tag (such as head_mc in <elem name="head_joints"> head_mc </elem>) should correspond to a device instantance name instantiated earlier by the yarprobotinterface. For example, head_mc corresponds to the instance created by this file. If some devices are not found, it is possible that some of this names need to be fixed.