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Overview of Temperature Sensors

Motor temperature Sensors

The Motor Temperature Sensors are simple sensors made of a specific type of resistor (PT100 or PT1000) and of a small board defined as the Temperature Detection Board (TDB), which has the goal of decoding the value read by the resistor giving out a raw output code, which can be then translated to Celsius Degree so that it can be easily understood by the end-user. In a nutshell, most of the ergoCub motors are provided with an internal resistance temperature detector, which is then connected to a TDB board. The TDB board is then linked to a 2FOC board, which elaborates the data acquired via I2C bus and sends it via the CAN bus to an EMS board. Finally, the EMS board streams the raw temperature values via the ETH bus to embObjMotionControl, which in turn updates and stores these acquisitions that the user can readily request from an external module.

How to update the configuration files

To correctly enable the use of the temperature sensors inside the configuration files (templates are available), it is necessary to fill in the following fields:

  • under hardware/motorControl/body_part--ebX-jA_B-mc.xml you need to add the two parameters hardwareTemperatureLimits and warningTemperatureLimits in the LIMITS group.
  • under hardware/mechanicals/body_part-ebX-jA_B-mec.xml you need to add the parameter TemperatureSensorType in the 2FOC group, and remove the soon deprecated HasTempSensor parameter in the same area.

That being done, it should be possible to use the features of the temperature sensors.

How to read the motor temperature

First off, the user ought to make sure that the sensor is mounted on the desired motors, and then needs to update the robot configuration files accordingly, as described in the configuration section. The correct configuration allows reading and sending the motor temperature values to the yarprobotinterface. However, these measurements are not currently published on the YARP stateExt port. Therefore, the user needs to devise a module application, similar to this one, to read the temperature.

In addition, the user module can retrieve the warningTemperatureLimits and check if the temperature exceeds that limit to put the motor in a safer state with lower current consumption.

HW Fault due to overheating

Is it important to notice that the firmware puts the motor in HW Fault when the temperature goes beyond the hardwareTemperatureLimits for longer than 10 seconds.

More details on the temperature flow and error managmanagement are available in the section data flow.