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FirmwareUpdater Walkthrough

With the FirmwareUpdater application it is possible to perform GUI-based FW update on both CAN- and ETH-based robots; the commonly used functionalities are:

  • Upload application firmware both on ETH boards and CAN boards
  • Change the IP address for ethernet based boards
  • Change the CAN ID for the CAN based boards
  • Update the eLoader (advanced option)
  • Update the eUpdater (advanced option)
  • Change bootstrap mode
  • Access to the F/T sensors calibration data of the STTRAIN/STRAIN2/STRAIN2C

To launch FirmwareUpdater GUI just open a terminal and type :




In order to have all possible drivers that FirmwareUpdater can use to communicate with the boards, make sure you have the firmwareupdater.ini file in the place where you launch the GUI

GUI interface

Here are described the main basic and advanced operations that the FirmwareUpdater GUI allows you to do.

Operations on ETH boards

Here are the main operations on the ETH based boards.


This allow you to discover all ETH boards in the current IP subnet (titpically `10.0.1.X)

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater

  • It opens the GUI, select the ETH driver in the devices list and click Discover If any ETH boards are availabe they'll be listed prompting board info. Detailed processesinfo of each board are available in the Board Properties box clicking on the board.


Force ETH Maintenance

This allow you tu force the board in maintenance mode and do operations such as upload FW, change IP, change bootstrap mode etc..

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance

You should see the board running in the eUpdater process and related version.


Force ETH Application

This allow you tu force the board in application mode.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Application

You should see the board running in the eApplication process and related version.


Set default boot process eUpdater

This allow you tu force the default boot process to eUpdater

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Set Def Boot eUpdater


Set default boot process eApplication

This allow you tu force the default boot process to eApplication

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Set Def Boot eApplication


Change board IP address

This allow you to change the IP address of the board.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Change IP Address and insert the wanted new IP address in the dialog box.


Upload Application

This allow you to upload a new application binary onto the board uP.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Upload Application and browse to the correct binary application file (official FW binaries are located at robotology/icub-firmware-build)
  • Click on Set Def Boot eApplication


Update of the eLoader

This allow you to update the eLoader.


This is a critical operation! Do this only if strictly necessary and pay attention to respect the steps described! If the procedure fails you'll have to flash the board using the debugger, this means that probably you'll have to unmount the board from the robot if not accessible.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox


select only a board at once!

  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Upload eLoader and browse to the respective binary file (i.e. for a EMS select this file)
  • Verify that the new eLoader has been flashed :
    • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
    • Click on Discover
    • Check the version in the Board Properties panel


Update of the eUpdater

This allow you to update the eLoader.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox


select only a board at once!

  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Upload Application and browse to the binary file (i.e. for a EMS select this file)


  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Restart ETH Board(s)
  • wait at least 5 sec
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • The GUI will show that the executing process is eApplPROGupdater
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Upload eUpdater and browse to the binary file (i.e. for a EMS select this file)


  • Click on Set Def Boot eUpdater
  • Click on Restart ETH Board(s)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • The board has Startup, Default, and Running processed all set to value eUpdater (see the right panel called Board Properties,group Bootstrap Processes).
  • Select the board by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Upload Application and browse to the correct binary application file (official FW binaries are located at robotology/icub-firmware-build)
  • Click on Set Def Boot eApplication

Operations on CAN boards

Here are the main operations on the CAN based boards connected to ETH boards.


This allow you to discover all CAN boards connected to a selected ETH board

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Discover

You should see all CAN boards connected to the slected ETH board.


Change CAN ID

This allow you to change the ID to a CAN board connected to a selected ETH board

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the CAM board on which you want to change the ID
  • Click on Chanhe CAN address
  • Type the new ID (1-14) int the dialog box an hit OK

You should see the new board CAN ID set.


Upload CAN application

This allow you to upload a new application to a CAN board connected to a selected ETH board

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the CAM board on which you want to upload the new application
  • Click on Upload Application
  • Browse to the wanted binary file (i.e. for a MTB4 board select this file)

You should see the new application version set.


Discover hidden CAN boards

This section describes the procedure that you should use when you cannot discover a CAN board connected to a specific ETH board, even if the master ETH board is in maintenance mode and you checked that there are no hardware issues related to the cabling. Here is the step-by-step procedure (also shown in the animated GIF at the end of the section):

  • In a terminal, type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin).
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list.
  • Click on Discover.
  • Select the ETH board under which you aim to discover the CAN board by ticking in its checkbox.
  • If the ETH board Status is application (IDLE), press the button Force ETH Maintenance and wait until the board Status has changed to maintenance.


It is important that you run the following two points in a row quickly, just one after the other, without waiting more than 5 seconds in between.

  • Click on Restart ETH Board(s).
  • Click on Discover.


These two steps are fundamental for sending the discovery signal while the CAN boards are booting. In the animated GIF below, the boards that are not discoverable (e.g., strain2) are in the status canBootloader and not canApplication. Forcing the restart of the ETH boards is crucial as it will power-cycle the CAN boards too. The discovery command should be then sent at that right moment, that is when the CAN board is in canBootloader.

  • Update the CAN board as usual.

Access Strain/Strain2/Strain2c calibration data

In order to acces the GUI containing the calibration data for F/T sensors do the following.

  • In a terminal type FirmwareUpdater -a (or FirmwareUpdater --admin)
  • Select the ETH driver in the devices list
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the ETH board under which the Strain/Strain2/Strain2c is attached by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Force ETH Maintenance
  • Select the ETH board under which you want discover CAN boards by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Discover
  • Select the Strain/Strain2/Strain2c board on which you want to visualize calibation data by checking its checkbox
  • Click on Calibrate

image image

Command Line Interface (CLI)

FirmwareUpdater provides a CLI with a set of options to do operations via the command line.

By running FirmwareUpdater -h, you'll be prompted with the list of all available options:

CLI options to change CAN ID and IP address

Here's below a summary of the CLI functionalities:

  • CAN board ID via SOCKETCAN device
  • CAN board ID via ETH device
  • IP address of an ETH board


In this example, we change the CAN ID on an mtb board connected via SOCKETCAN from 1 to 2. The syntax of the command is the following :

FirmwareUpdater -g -e SOCKETCAN -i 0 -c 0 -n 1 -k 2
where : - -g -e SOCKETCAN -i 0 -c 0 is required to use a SOCKETCAN device (i.e. ESD CAN/USB) with ID=0 and canline=0 - -n 1 -k 2 changes old id 1 (-n 1) to 2 (-k 2)

Change CAN ID via ETH

In this example, we change the CAN ID on an mtb board connected via ETH through an ems4 board w/ IP address = from 1 to 2. The syntax of the command is the following :

FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 1 -k 2
where : - -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 is required to use a ETH device (i.e. ems4) with ip address = and canline=1 - -n 1 -k 2 changes old id 1 (-n 1) to 2 (-k 2)

Change IP address of an ETH board

In this example, we change the IP address on anems4board from10.0.1.1to The syntax of the command is the following :

 FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -2
where : - -g -e ETH -i eth1is required to use aETHdevice (i.e.ems4) --t -2 old iIP address` to

How to use ETH boards with a different IP subnet

We provide here the instructions to use ETH boards with a subnet different from the standard 10.0.1.X.

Change IP to the board

Let's assume that the board we use has the IP and that we aim to switch to You ought to follow these steps:

  1. Run FirmwareUpdater -a
  2. Select the eth interface and then Discover
  3. Select the board and then Force ETH Maintenance
  4. Select Upload Application and flash the new firmware (icub-firmware-build on branch devel)
  5. Select Change IP Address and input

Configure the system

  1. Change the IP address of your ETH interface to
  2. Change the firmwareupdater.ini file including this line
    ETH ""
  3. Reset the board and check if it is discoverable with the FirmwareUpdater
  4. Change the following xml files :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE params PUBLIC "-//YARP//DTD yarprobotinterface 3.0//EN" "">

<params xmlns:xi="" robot="single-ETH-2FOC-motor" build="1">

    <group name="PC104">
        <param name="PC104IpAddress">       </param>
        <param name="PC104IpPort">              12345           </param>
        <param name="PC104TXrate">              1               </param> 
        <param name="PC104RXrate">              5               </param>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE params PUBLIC "-//YARP//DTD yarprobotinterface 3.0//EN" "">

<params xmlns:xi="" robot="single-ETH-2FOC-motor" build="1">

    <xi:include href="./pc104.xml" />

    <group name="ETH_BOARD">

        <group name="ETH_BOARD_PROPERTIES">
            <param name="IpAddress">                    </param>
            <param name="IpPort">                   12345                   </param>
            <param name="Type">                     mc4plus                    </param>
            <param name="maxSizeRXpacket">          768                     </param>
            <param name="maxSizeROP">               384                     </param>

        <group name="ETH_BOARD_SETTINGS">
            <param name="Name">                     "knee-eb10-j0"    </param> 
            <group name="RUNNINGMODE">
                <param name="period">                   1000                </param>
                <param name="maxTimeOfRXactivity">      400                 </param>
                <param name="maxTimeOfDOactivity">      300                 </param>   
                <param name="maxTimeOfTXactivity">      300                 </param>                
                <param name="TXrateOfRegularROPs">      5                   </param> 

        <group name="ETH_BOARD_ACTIONS">
            <group name="MONITOR_ITS_PRESENCE">
                <param name="enabled">                  true                </param> 
                <param name="timeout">                  0.020               </param> 
                <param name="periodOfMissingReport">    60.0                </param> 



Run yarprobotinterace

Finally, if all the operations above came off, you're then able to run yarprobotinterface using the new subnet 10.0.2.X.


The software has been compiled also on the Linux machine running yarprobotinterface and it works.

See below an example of yarprobotinterface running with a gateway set to connected to an ems4 board with address and an F/T sensor (strain2) connected to it.

Strain2 dedicated CLI Options

The CLI options implemented for the strain2 (F/T sensors) are :

  • -z or --load-dat-file : Loads the calibration .dat file into STRAIN2 eeprom (pass the file.dat with -l or --file option)
    example : FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 13 -z -l calibrationDataSN003.dat
  • -w or --set-strain-sn <sn> : Sets the passed serialNumber (i.e. SN001) on STRAIN2
    example : FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 13 -w SN001
  • -j or --set-strain-gains : Sets on STRAIN2 default gains to (8,24,24,10,10,24) , adjust the offset and check if some channel saturates
    example : FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 13 -j
  • -b or --get-canboard-version <saveFile> : Gets Bootloader or Application version ( must be y or n to save or not a file containing fw info)
    example : FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 13 -b y
  • -u or --save-dat-file : Saves the calibration .dat file from STRAIN2 EEPROM
    example : FirmwareUpdater -g -e ETH -i eth1 -t -c 1 -n 13 -u


All the example are running on a setup with an EMS4 board with IP= and a STRAIN2 board attached to it in the CAN1 line with ID=13

Useful Resources

Below a list of useful links: